What is the Ocean Walker Technique™?
The Ocean Walker Technique is a ground-breaking front crawl freestyle stroke created by Adam Walker – the first and only Brit to swim the toughest seven ocean swims in the world. A challenge called the Oceans Seven!
As an efficient and injury preventative swim stroke, the Ocean Walker Technique is not only fast, but has the added benefit of being visually stunning to the eye and mesmerising to watch. Adam believes it’s the future of swimming front crawl.
Techniques in sport over the years have evolved finding innovative ways of improving, such as the high jump.
Athletes used to jump forwards until one man changed this by jumping backwards – now everyone does it! I changed my technique out of necessity due to injury and it saw me across 6 more channels and a two way Windermere. I owe everything to the Ocean Walker Technique. I believe once people have tried this technique they will never want to change. The proof is always in the pudding and the results can be unbelievable! It is a real game changer!
Why is it different to other techniques?
No more smashing through the water, getting out of breath and potentially injuring yourself in the process. There is nothing that compares to the rhythm, elegance and efficiency of the Ocean Walker Technique. The swimming style is one of the most recognisable globally for its fluency and effortless nature, it’s a real head turner and you will leave other swimmers feeling extremely envious.
If you are not happy with the way you are currently swimming, whether you want to increase your speed, are in discomfort or want to swim longer – we are here to help.
Muscle memory can be changed no matter what age or how long you have swam a certain way. Ocean Walker have a fantastic program to segment and build up the Ocean Walker Technique bit by bit.
Why it works
Following injury with his old and more conventional style, Adam Walker set out to find a way to continue his passion for swimming by researching ways to swim that didn’t aggravate his injuries. In finding no answers with what was already out there, he found his own way.
By relaxing, and positioning his body efficiently in the water, with the hip and feet just below the surface, the head neutral looking down and a lower arm – Adam realised that he was working with the water instead of fighting against it. Cutting his stroke rate down by over 1500 strokes less an hour with no loss of speed, Adam swam seven of the toughest channel swims in the world and broke records along the way!
Who is it for?
Your size, build, shape, age etc, doesn’t make a difference. The Ocean Walker Technique is about using your body and the water in the most efficient way, and to work within your bodies natural range to help prevent injury.
It is suitable for amateur, professional, pool and open water swimmers – nothing changes, it doesn’t need to!
Able bodied, injured, rehabilitation and disabled are swimming faster for longer with the Ocean Walker Technique.
Children and adults alike are finding how much more relaxed they can be in the water and save their energy.
The Ocean Walker Technique was created out of necessity, by Adam Walker who just wanted to achieve his goal of swimming the Oceans Seven. With a ruptured bicep tendon, two injured knees and a bad back (caused by playing other sports and a conventional front crawl technique) causing him pain after his first channel swim, Adam found a way to swim that was pain-free.
This developed and evolved into the incredible Ocean Walker Technique you see today.
Adam was able to fulfil more than he had ever dreamed, by passing on his knowledge and helping others by coaching them his Ocean Walker Technique.

Core powered

Injury Prevention

Save energy